Friday, November 21, 2008

Assignments for Tuesday, 12/2, and Monday, 12/8

Open the "Baldwin Essay" link to your right and read the directions for that essay. For Tuesday, you must either write two pages of that essay or prepare an outline for it. Click here to see the Rob Frenay essay, "Notes of a Ghetto Superstar," that I read in class. (The link opens a PDF of The Windmill, and his essay begins on p. 17 of The Windmill, p. 19 of the file.)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Essay for Monday, 11/17

In his essay "Shooting an Elephant," George Orwell writes, "As soon as I saw the elephant I knew with perfect certainty that  I ought not to shoot him" (p. 305, par. 6). Think of a time when you felt yourself pressured to do something you "knew with perfect certainty" that you should not do. Write an essay modeled on Orwell's in which your speaker confesses to having "shot an elephant," so to speak. If you faced social pressure to "shoot" your "elephant," than you should describe its effects on your behavior. If the social and political contexts influenced your thoughts and actions, then you should describe them. This paper should be about three pages in length, but feel free to write more than that if you like. 

We will do a gallery critique of this essay, so bring two printed copies of this essay with you to class. Also, bring with you Advanced Composition Skills

Friday, November 7, 2008

Election Links

Here are links for the election sites and videos we looked at in class today, and a few we didn't get to:

Text of McCain's concession speech:

Video of McCain's speech at the Al Smith Dinner:

Obama's speech at the Al Smith Dinner:

2008-1992 Voting by County: (We didn't do this in class, but click the "Voting Shifts" box on the left to see how much these results differ from 2000 and 2004. It's misleading when you click on 1992 and 1996 because the shifts are based on total votes cast, so a greater percentage of people voted for McCain than they did for George Bush in 1992 and Bob Dole in 1996, who lost those elections in years with smaller turnouts. A smaller percentage of people voted for Obama than they did for Bill Clinton in 1992 and 1996 because, like Obama, Clinton won.)

Election Results, 1789-2008:

2008 Voting Returns, Appalachia (an interesting blog post we didn't have time for in class):

Assignment for Wednesday, 11/12

Write a three-page essay in response to the Focus on Writing prompt on p. 63 of ACS. I recommend that you complete the Focus on Reading (p. 62) before attempting to write the essay. Then, use the synonyms of those words as the basis for your essay. 

Alternative assignment: Write a rhetorical analysis of one of the four speeches listed above. (Warning: the expectations for this assignment are higher than for the other option.)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Assignment for Friday, 11/7

In ACS, read pp. 59-63. Complete the exercises on pp. 60-61, and be sure to follow the Focus on Reading directions on p. 62. There is no other writing assignment due.