Friday, November 7, 2008

Election Links

Here are links for the election sites and videos we looked at in class today, and a few we didn't get to:

Text of McCain's concession speech:

Video of McCain's speech at the Al Smith Dinner:

Obama's speech at the Al Smith Dinner:

2008-1992 Voting by County: (We didn't do this in class, but click the "Voting Shifts" box on the left to see how much these results differ from 2000 and 2004. It's misleading when you click on 1992 and 1996 because the shifts are based on total votes cast, so a greater percentage of people voted for McCain than they did for George Bush in 1992 and Bob Dole in 1996, who lost those elections in years with smaller turnouts. A smaller percentage of people voted for Obama than they did for Bill Clinton in 1992 and 1996 because, like Obama, Clinton won.)

Election Results, 1789-2008:

2008 Voting Returns, Appalachia (an interesting blog post we didn't have time for in class):

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