Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Assignment for Thursday, 10/16

For Thursday, finish reading American Citizenship and write a one page response to it in one of the following rhetorical modes: informative, argumentative, expository, and narrative. 
  • Informative: you are writing to inform someone who is unfamiliar with Shklar's book of its major claims and arguments.
  • Argumentative: you are writing an argument against or in support of Shklar's major arguments.
  • Expository: you are writing to explain how and why Shklar makes her argument. An expository piece is different than an informative statement in that the former tries to clarify how and why someone would make an argument, whereas an informative argument simply presents the argument.
  • Narrative: Just as Shklar presents stories to illustrate some of her key points, you can write a narrative that illustrates a broader point that you want to make about Shklar's book. if you recently turned 18, if you just had your first job, if your parents or grandparents were naturalized as citizens, you can tell a story about those experiences in order to make a broader point about American Citizenship
Next class, we will also discuss the James Baldwin exercises that you were to complete with your partner. 

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